Laut post von redcat bei Facebook ist wohl im Beta-Werk eingebrochen und mehrere Bikes geklaut worden.
Es handelt sich um die Modelle RR 2T 125/200/250/300 und XTrainer. Wer so ein Bike günstig angeboten bekommt, sollte unverzüglich ein Bild der FIN (Rahmennummer) machen und sofort an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! weiterleiten!
Dear Beta lovers,
We know that the BETAs are flying off the shelves but not like this! Yesterday unfortunately we had a bad awakening.
Our warehouse in Rignano was broken up and a batch of motorbikes was stolen (RR 2T 125/200/250/300 and XTrainer).
We recommend you to pay the utmost attention: in case you run thru offers at very low prices, write immediately to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! for a check on suspected VIN (frame number): just take a picture of the number stamped on the frame headtube. Please note that we are not just talking about a possible complicity with a theft, we wish to alert you for your own protection as well. The batch of stolen motorcycles was incomplete of some components. Therefore, these motorcycles, besides not being able to be registered, cannot function properly!
If you come into contact with a suspicious motorcycle, let us know.
Thanks for your help!