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THEMA: Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta!

Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 05 Dez 2024 12:56 #11

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"für die Einspritzung bei Rieju mit und wir sehen 2026 eine Beta TBI"


Das mit dem Vergaser ist bei uns eine strategische Entscheidung, weil:


Wir waren da sicher deutlich früher dran als die Spanier. Ich denke Senor Alfredo kann sich voll auf's Fahren konzentrieren.

Siamo il culo sulla sedia, il dramma, la commedia
Il facile rimedio!
Siamo l'arroganza che non ha paura
Siamo quelli a cui non devi chiedere fattura!
39 anni con BETA - competenza e passione
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Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 05 Dez 2024 18:38 #12

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... und der Smartcarb steckt schon bei der Präsentation dran :cool:
Freue mich wenn er sich darauf konzentriert die gute Beta möglichst weit oben auf die Treppchen zu stellen!

Letzte Änderung: 05 Dez 2024 18:39 von NickBETA.
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Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 05 Dez 2024 19:38 #13

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hier gibt es noch ein interessantes Interview mit Alfredo Gomeez, evtl. klärt bzw. erklärt sich dadurch einiges ...

Beta Factory and Alfredo Gomez create new Hard Enduro Team
05 December 2024 | Racing

Beta Factory announce Alfredo Gomez will form a new Hard Enduro Team to race SuperEnduro and Hard Enduro World Championships.
Beta Racing’s commitments outside of the EnduroGP and Italian Enduro championships has always been a bit on and off. Since Jonny Walker left the factory racing set-up earlier in 2024, there’s been a gap at the races – a fact more notable because the bikes are certainly popular with extreme enduro riders.

Ciao and Hola, Senior Gomez, who has signed a two-year deal with the manufacturer based just outside Florence to race himself and form a new Beta Hard Enduro Team.

Hi Alfredo, congrats on the new programme. Tell us how this new project came about?
Alfredo Gomez: “Okay, well, Beta made me an offer to race with them. I told them that I have a (junior) team and I wanted to bring them and myself together. They liked my proposal because there is no hard enduro team at Beta so the idea was to create the Beta hard enduro team.”

Which series’ will the team race?
“Hard Enduro and Super Enduro as there is a new 125 category in the SuperEnduro World Championship. The team will be two Spanish kids, Eneko Martinez and Ramon Godino, and an Australian, Michael Blake. They are all 16-years-old and they will race with 125 Betas.

“They will race in the Youth category and I will do it in Prestige. Then, in the Hard Enduro world championship, I will be racing plus Felix Baker and probably two more riders whose names I still don’t know, I’m working on it. For now, Felix Baker and myself, 100%.”

Will it be a Beta Factory team or a Beta Factory Alfredo Gomez team…?
“We still don’t know what the final name will be but it will be something like Beta Factory Alfredo Gomez because of the paddock structure I already have from this and previous seasons.

“It’s not a radical change from my old team to a Beta team, but it will be half and half. The guys who work with me will continue to be the same. And in Beta someone will come to reinforce at the races. That’s the idea.”

What has made you change to Beta? A more attractive project?
“The economic part, first. And then Beta has a very competitive motorcycle base, they are world champions in enduro and, at Rieju (where Alfredo has been development rider for two years), the injection motorcycle is in development, at least until now.

“In order to be able to set up a 100% Rieju or 100% Beta structure, I need a competitive motorcycle base, more competitive. And today, the truth is that Beta has given me that possibility.”

Have you ridden the Beta 300 2T yet? What is your first impression?
“Yes, I have had the bike for two weeks now. It is a bike with a lot of low-end power. The double spark plug engine practically camouflages the exhaust valve and the chassis is very similar to the Rieju but feels lighter. The engine is much fuller, it is a modern engine. The clutch works very well and mechanically it is very easy to work on.”

What will be your role from now on: will you compete and lead the team?
“Yes, both. I will be my number one rider! (laughs). I still want to race, I am 35 years old and I think with a competitive bike I can be at the front. As long as I can afford it, I will continue doing it. I want to race for three more years or something like that.

“I have signed for two, the truth is that SuperEnduro is not what I like most to compete in – I’ve been doing it for 16 years and now the idea is to pass on what I know to the guys who are going to come with me from within and for it to be an added incentive for those who are on my team.”

You have many years also as a development rider for different manufacturers, will you continue this at Beta?
“I don’t know yet, but almost certainly I’ll have to develop the bike as well. Fabrizio Dini, who is a former rider and the person in charge of racing and development at Beta, is here. Yesterday when we arrived at the factory he was already dressed in riding clothing! I hope that my opinion will be an opinion to take into account.”

And about your own bike and set-up, how does it look jumping on a new bike with just two weeks to SuperEnduro round one?
“From the base bike they’ve given me, which was what Johnny had and the easiest place to start, the same two-stroke base they use in the world championship.

“We’ve already been talking and we’re not going to touch anything, the suspension or engine, and for now I’m going to continue with the same setting. I’ve changed the suspension a little, which are made for me by Fauser and we’ve already done a couple of tests. Now this week we will do another one and little by little, taking small steps so as not to make mistakes, improve my feeling.”

Will you debut with everything in round one?
“Yes, with the three kids! Right now we are preparing the riding gear. The idea is for me to be in Prestige and then the kids in Youth class. In other words, it is a junior team in the Hard Enduro and in the SuperEnduro. We’re looking forward to it.”

The 2025 SuperEnduro World Championship begins in Gliwice on December 14.

Quelle: Enduro21.com
Letzte Änderung: 05 Dez 2024 19:38 von artus.
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Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 06 Dez 2024 11:34 #14

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:sir: So liest sich die Vorstellung von Alfredo im internationalen Pressetext von Beta:

BetaBikes are beta Bikes... ;-)
Letzte Änderung: 06 Dez 2024 11:41 von admin.
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Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 06 Dez 2024 11:48 #15

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--) Für alle die, die im Englischunterricht in der Schule in der letzten Reihe gesessen haben, habe ich hier den Text mal mit deepl.com übersetzt:

:book: Betamotor freut sich, Alfredo Gómez begrüßen zu dürfen: ein großer Champion, der bereit ist, neue Rekorde in der Off-Road-Welt aufzustellen.

Der 1989 geborene Alfredo Gómez ist nicht nur einer der besten Hard-Enduro-Fahrer, sondern auch eine echte Referenz in der Off-Road-Welt. Alfredo, der als schnellster spanischer Fahrer in der Geschichte des SuperEnduro bekannt ist, debütierte bereits im Alter von 16 Jahren und eroberte dank seines außergewöhnlichen Talents und seiner einzigartigen Entschlossenheit sofort die internationalen Bühnen.

Seitdem ist er in den prestigeträchtigsten Teams angetreten und hat Siege bei legendären Wettbewerben wie dem Red Bull Erzbergrodeo, dem Hixpania Hard Enduro und dem XL Lagares errungen und damit seinen Status als Ikone des Sports bestätigt. Seine Fähigkeit, die extremsten Strecken mit Eleganz, Können und beeindruckender Entschlossenheit zu meistern, hat ihm weltweit Bewunderung und Respekt eingebracht.

Für die kommende Saison freut sich Beta, den Eintritt von Alfredo Gómez in das offizielle Beta Team bekannt zu geben. Dieser Fahrer verkörpert perfekt die Werte unseres Unternehmens: Leidenschaft, Innovation und der Wille, über alle Grenzen hinauszugehen.

Der Palmarès von Alfredo Gómez umfasst:

1st Hixpania Hard Enduro: 2016, 2017, 2018
1st Red Bull Erzbergrodeo: 2015, 2016
1st Red Bull Minas Riders: 2016
1st Enduro Ukupacha: 2017
Und viele mehr, darunter 2 Siege und 6 Podiumsplätze in der Klasse Prestige.

Im Namen der gesamten Beta-Familie wünschen wir Alfredo eine Saison voller Erfolg und Leistung. Gemeinsam wollen wir neue Ziele erreichen und einen unvergesslichen Eindruck in der Welt des Rennsports hinterlassen.

Willkommen bei Beta, Alfredo!
BetaBikes are beta Bikes... ;-)
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Alfredo Gomez - Big news in Beta! 09 Dez 2024 17:10 #16

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artus schrieb:

“They will race in the Youth category and I will do it in Prestige. Then, in the Hard Enduro world championship, I will be racing plus Felix Baker and probably two more riders whose names I still don’t know, I’m working on it. For now, Felix Baker and myself, 100%.”

Felix in der Hard Enduro WC (Junioren ist er ja schon gefahren) ))) :ziel:
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